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A7: Void

"Three related voids" from our faculty building.

In the first photo, let's take the corridor as the first void, the garden as the second, studio A as the third and studio B as the fourth.
Volumes can be in related with them by the "flow of air" between them. But that's not the only method for them to be in relation with each other. The surfaces which enclosure the garden is transparent, so there is a visual continuity between the garden and the corridor. That is one other way of getting relation with each other.
With the windows on studio A and studio B, the visual continuity of garden continues in these volumes too. But also studios are opening through the corridor, so with the help of flow of air in that connection, studios and the corridor connecting them are also in related with each other.
The corridor plays the role of "connector" in this photo. By the meanings of its characteristics, it is the most undefined volume between them. But that is not a problem because when you're in the corridor, you sense the feeling of a different volume. It is totally different from both a studio and the garden.
